
Rsync is installed in many linux systems by default.

rsync --version
rsync  version 3.0.9  protocol version 30
Copyright (C) 1996-2011 by Andrew Tridgell, Wayne Davison, and others.
Web site:
    64-bit files, 64-bit inums, 64-bit timestamps, 64-bit long ints,
    socketpairs, hardlinks, symlinks, IPv6, batchfiles, inplace,
    append, ACLs, xattrs, iconv, symtimes

rsync comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This is free software, and you
are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.  See the GNU
General Public Licence for details.

Usage Example

We want to sync folders from one host to another host, so there are a source host and a target host.

Target host

In target host we will start a rsync daemon process, it will listen on port 873 by default, and wait connection from the source host. Once the connection is established, the source host will sync the folder/file to the target host.

/usr/bin/rsync --daemon --config=/etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.conf

Before that we should prepare some files located under /etc/rsyncd/

$ pwd
$ ls -l
total 48
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   664 Nov  2 13:41 rsyncd.conf
-rw------- 1 root root    17 Nov  2 13:41 rsyncd.password

For rsyncd.password, please make sure the read/write access only for the current user, and it contains the SSH user/password which will be used by the source host.

$ more rsyncd.password

For rsyncd.conf

$ more rsyncd.conf
uid = root
gid = root
user chroot = no
max connections = 50
timeout = 180
pid file = /etc/rsyncd/
lock file= /etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.lock
log file = /etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.log
user chroot = no
max connections = 50
timeout = 180

transfer logging = yes
log format = %t %a %m %f %b
syslog facility = local3
secrets file = /etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.password

ignore errors
hosts allow =
hosts deny = *
secrets file = /etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.password
read only = no
list = no
auth users = demo

hosts allow is the source host ip address

Source host

Prepare two files:

$ ls -l
total 8
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 175 Nov  2 13:51
-rw-------. 1 root root   9 Nov  2 13:47 rsyncpass

For the shell script:

$ more
/usr/bin/rsync -zr --append-verify --delete --password-file=/home/demo/rsyncpass $src $user@$ip::rib

For the rsyncpass, please make sure the read/write access only for the current user. It only contains the password.

$ more rsyncpass

Now we can put the to the crontab, done!

$ crontab -l
* * * * * //home/demo/

You can check the results from the target host in the target folder.