本章我们将写一个自己的core plugin 和一个resource extension来加深理解。(阅读本文的前提是你已经理解了restful以及stevedore等内容)

什么是 core plugin

neutron的plugin有core和service两种。core plugin实现core resource的增删改查,service plugin我们在本文暂不讨论。

core resource 有network/subnet/port/subnet-pool。每种资源对应CURD和index5种操作。以network资源为例,相关操作和HTTP请求的对应关系如下

create_network    POST networks
delete_network    DELETE networks/network_id
update_network    PUT networks/network_id
get_network       GET networks/network_id
get_networks      GET networks

因此,core plugin中对各种核心资源都有如下的函数对应:


how to write core plugin

既然是plugin,也就是我们前面说过的third-party code,那就应该定义一些接口,好让第三方的组织可以参与开发。

neutron中定义的接口在neutron.neutron_plugin_base_v2.NeutronPluginBaseV2。要实现一个core plugin,你需要实现这个class。

下面是我写的一个core plugin 代码

from neutron import neutron_plugin_base_v2
from oslo_log import log
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

class MyNeutronPlugin(neutron_plugin_base_v2.NeutronPluginBaseV2):
	supported_extension_aliases = ['gold']
	def __init__(self):
	#### network ####
	def create_network(self, context, network):
		LOG.info("network is %s" %network)
		return network
	def update_network(self, context, id, network):
		return network
	def get_network(self, context, id, fields=None):
		network = {}
		return network
	def get_networks(self, context, filters=None, fields=None):
		network = {}
		LOG.info("return network %s" %network)
		return network
	def delete_network(self, context, id):
		return id
            #### gold ####
	def create_gold(self, context, gold):
		LOG.info("gold is %s" %gold)
		return gold
	def update_gold(self, context, id, gold):
		return gold
	def get_gold(self, context, id, fields=None):
		gold = {}
		return gold
	def get_golds(self, context, filters=None, fields=None):
		gold = {}
		LOG.info("return gold %s" %gold)
		return gold
	def delete_gold(self, context, id):
		return id

请注意,除了network等核心资源,我们还实现了一个gold资源。 上面粘贴的内容省略了subnet/port/subnet-pool的相关代码。 既然是thirty-party code,就应该可以独立安装。所以我们的代码结构如下:

├── myPluginPKG
│   ├── __init__.py
│   └── myPluginModule.py
└── setup.py


import myPluginModule


from setuptools import setup, find_packages



		'neutron.core_plugins': [
			'myNeutronPlugin = myPluginPKG.myPluginModule:MyNeutronPlugin',

这样在运行python setup.py install 后,我们的plugin就注册到了neutron.core_plugins这个namespace下。这部分内容其实就是前面stevedore中driver开发的内容。neutron通过stevedore在这个namespace下加载core_plugin

OK。在python setup.py install 后,我们的core plugin安装完成了,这时要修改/etc/neutron/neutron.conf,让neutron使用我们的core plugin。

core_plugin = myNeutronPlugin


systemctl restart neutron-server

接下来你就可以通过API 尝试了, 我们创建一个network 如下:

curl -g -i -X POST "http://liberty-controller01:9696/v2.0/networks" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token:$token" -d '{"network": {"name": "n2", "admin_state_up": true}}'
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 15
X-Openstack-Request-Id: req-a8cfde05-6425-42fe-b516-0bb2d264cf61
Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2017 08:01:47 GMT

    {"network": {}}



curl -g -i  "http://liberty-controller01:9696/v2.0/golds" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token:$token" 

为什么gold资源的API不好使呢。这是因为要想在neutron core plugin中定义一个资源,不仅要提供该资源的CURD 函数,还要有对应的RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.



		'id': {'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False,
			   'validate': {'type:uuid': None},
			   'is_visible': True,
			   'primary_key': True},
		'name': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
				 'validate': {'type:string': NAME_MAX_LEN},
				 'default': '', 'is_visible': True},
		'subnets': {'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False,
					'default': [],
					'is_visible': True},
		'admin_state_up': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
						   'default': True,
						   'convert_to': convert_to_boolean,
						   'is_visible': True},
		'status': {'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False,
				   'is_visible': True},
		'tenant_id': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
					  'validate': {'type:string': TENANT_ID_MAX_LEN},
					  'required_by_policy': True,
					  'is_visible': True},
		SHARED: {'allow_post': True,
				 'allow_put': True,
				 'default': False,
				 'convert_to': convert_to_boolean,
				 'is_visible': True,
				 'required_by_policy': True,
				 'enforce_policy': True},

该字典定义了资源以及资源对应的属性,我们这里只列出了network。所以,要想定义gold资源,除了在core plugin中添加对应的函数,还有在这个attribute map中添加相关的信息。不过,我们不建议直接修改这里的代码,正确的方法是通过resource extension来实现。

how to code an extension (resource extension)

之前提到了extension有3种类型,resource,action,request。我们这里要实现一个新的资源,就是用resource extension。无论是哪种extension 都要遵守一些特定的规则,或者说接口,这些规则如下:

1. extension应该放在neutron/extensions文件夹下,或者在配置文件中设置api_extensions_path
2. extension的class名应该和文件同名,当然首字母应该大写
3. 应该实现neutron.api.extensions.py中ExtensionDescriptor定义的接口
4. 在对应的plugin的supported_extension_aliases 中增加我们extension的别名。前面我们写的core plugin就有这个属性,当时没有做说明,其实是这里应该添加的。所谓别名是该extension要实现的一个接口,后面会看到。

另外很重要的一点是,因为我们要实现的是resource extension,所以还要实现



下面我们实现一个自己的resource extension来增加 gold 资源。

from neutron.api import extensions
from neutron import manager
from neutron.api.v2 import base

# You have to specify the attributes neutron-server should expect when
# someone invokes this plugin. Let's say you want
# 'name', 'priority', 'credential' for your extension /golds
# then following dictionary must be declared.
# I am following the naming convention used by other extensions.

	'golds': {
	'name': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
				 'is_visible': True},
	'priority': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
				 'is_visible': True},
	'credential': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
				 'is_visible': True},
	# tenant_id is the user id used by keystone for authorisation
	# It's good to use the following as it is and it is necessary
	# for every extension 
	'tenant_id': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
				  'required_by_policy': True,
				  'validate': {'type:string': None},
				  'is_visible': True}

# Great! Now you have the defined the attributes that you need for your
# extensions. You need to store this dictionary in the neutron-server
# by the following class

class Golds(extensions.ExtensionDescriptor):
	# The name of this class should be the same as the file name
	# There are a couple of methods and their properties defined in the
	# parent class of this class, ExtensionDescriptor you can check them

	def get_name(cls):
		# You can coin a name for this extension
		return "Name of golds"

	def get_alias(cls):
		# This alias will be used by your core_plugin class to load
		# the extension
		return "gold"

	def get_description(cls):
		# A small description about this extension
		return "A quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog"

	def get_namespace(cls):
		# The XML namespace for this extension
		# but as we move on to use JSON over XML based request
		# this is not that important, correct me if I am wrong.
		return "namespace of xml"

	def get_updated(cls):
		# Specify when was this extension last updated,
		# good for management when there are changes in the design
		return "2017-02-07T10:00:00-00:00"

	def get_resources(cls):
		# This method registers the URL and the dictionary  of
		# attributes on the neutron-server.
		exts = list()
		plugin = manager.NeutronManager.get_plugin()
		resource_name = 'gold'
		collection_name = resource_name + 's'
		params = RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.get(resource_name + 's', dict())
		controller = base.create_resource(collection_name, resource_name,
										  plugin, params, allow_bulk=False)
		ex = extensions.ResourceExtension(collection_name, controller)

		return exts

代码的大部分解释都包含在注释里,因此请详细阅读每一行。这里只重点说一下RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP 和 get_resources。 我们的extension就是通过这个函数来在resource attribute map中增加了gold资源。 另外要注意的是get_alias,该函数返回extension的别名,plugin的supported_extension_alias中用该别名来找extension。

ok,我们现在尝试一下访问gold 资源

curl -g -i http://liberty-controller01:9696/v2.0/golds.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token:$token"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 13
X-Openstack-Request-Id: req-7b925f97-4df0-49ee-bb6a-fd7c86fda9aa
Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2017 08:29:34 GMT

{"golds": []}

这次成功了。 以上就是core plugin和resource extension